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Writer's pictureLanie Bokashi

Church leaders in Metro Manila invite Christians to celebrate the Season of Creation

BOKASHI PINOY joins Christians across the globe in prayer and action for the environment

As warnings from the world’s leading scientists grow stronger and stronger, Christian leaders in Metro Manila, Philippines are uniting to care for the environment and build a healthier community for all.

Bokashi Pinoy will lead activities to care for the environment during the Season of Creation, the annual celebration of prayer and action for God’s creation that is celebrated by Christians around the world.

The series of activities will kick-off with a public webinar entitled,"Caring for our Common Home - a deliberate call to action in managing waste and regenerating the soil".

At the event, church leaders will be asked to take the 30 day Garbage to Garden Challenge themselves.

A good leading indicator of behaviour change is to measure the index over time for the leadership population. If behaviour is changing in leaders, their reports and levels below will eventually follow because of the shadow they cast. This can help you steer the business/ institution /organization / barangay / city towards the tipping point for change.

This strong statement of support for environmental protection gives hope to many. Leaders at Bokashi Pinoy, Econest PH, St John Bosco Tondo and Sanctuario Vicente de Paul know that environmental destruction harms people, and vulnerable people above all.

This activity will unite the people across Metro Manila to care for each other and the home we share.

Over the past year, Bokashi Pinoy has run the 30 day Garbage to Garden Challenge for individual households, communities and also institutions.

Watch the testimonial of Chef J Gamboa - Director of LTB Philippines Chefs’ Association.

This year during the Season of Creation, they, along with Christians worldwide, are uniting around the theme, “A home for all? Renewing the Oikos of God.”

Oikos is the Greek word for “home,” or “household.” By rooting their theme in the concept of oikos, Christians celebrate the integral web of relationships that sustain the well-being of the Earth.

Bokashi Pinoy is also leading efforts to gather signatures for the “Healthy Planet, Healthy People” petition as a way to tell world leaders that strong agreements are needed at two upcoming United Nations summits – the 26th annual UN Climate Change Conference and the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15).

Christians across the globe have been uniting for years during the Season of Creation, which is held 1 September through 4 October each year. Church leaders, including Pope Francis, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, have invited the world’s Christians to participate in this transformative celebration.

More information about the Season of Creation can be found at Want to take deliberate action asap? Take the challenge and also invite your friends to do it with you.

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